This is a real shame. I used to like Tim Hardaway, but after hearing his latest comments about gay people in sports it just proves what a prick he really is. In lieu of former NBA player Jon Amaechi announcing that he is gay, players around the league have been relatively supportive of him, which hopefully will put current gay athletes (which surely there are) a bit more at ease. Unfortunately, with assholes like Tim around it makes it much harder for gay athletes to feel comfortable being open and honest with themselves and their teammates.
Boston Celtics Coach Doc Rivers used to coach Amaechi when he was playing for the Orlando Magic during the 1999-2000 season and has nothing but great things to say about him. Other supportive comments have come from players like Charles Barkley who said, "It shouldn't be a big deal to anybody. I know I've played with gay players and against gay players and it just shouldn't surprise anybody or be any issue." It's no surprise that the upstanding, and well-educated Grant Hill has some positive things to say about it. Hill said, "The fact that John has done this, maybe it will give others the comfort or confidence to come out as well, whether they are playing or retiring." If only every one in the league were this open-minded.
Instead we hear from players like this:
It's a shame, what did Rudy Gay do to anyone anyways?
Wow! Tim Hardaway is a jerk. This was a really interesting article to read. I don't follow sports, so I don't have a good understanding about gay people in sports. I can't imagine how frightening it would be to work and live in that unforgiving enviroment. Tim Hardaway's comments were not only hateful but he sounded uninformed, just like Joe Amachio said in the article linked. I found an article about how irrationally homophobic the NFL is. Apparently people who have the last name Gay, can not have it printed on thier jerseys'because of its implications. Crazy!
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